Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Psta with Sausage and Greens

My dear friend, ComidaMama, posted this really quick recipe that I'm going to prepare tonight.  It looks so good that I thought I'd share it right away!


Pasta with Sausage and Greens

This is one of my favorite recipes. Its got lots of flavor, greens and a kick to it. You can use any green leafy veggies for this.

1 package pasta (preferably faro, quinoa, or any other whole grain pasta)
2-3 spicy sausages (turkey or pork)
2 big garlic cloves
1 bunch swiss chard
1 bunch broccoli
Red Pepper Flakes
Pecorino Romano (grated) – ½ cup or more

Boil a big pot of water and cook the pasta.

While water is boiling and pasta is cooking, start the rest…
Remove casings from the sausage and put it in a pan to cook – feel free to add some olive oil if its sticking to the pan.
Throw in the chopped garlic, as the sausage is cooking
Wash and chop your swiss chard
Wash and cut your broccoli
Once the sausage has been cooking for about 8-10 minutes (its no longer pink), throw in the swiss chard and cover the pot. Cook until chard starts to wilt a bit. About 5 minutes. (feel free to add the water from the freshly washed chard – it will help it steam the veggies)
Toss broccoli along with ½ cup of water into the sausage/chard mixture and cover. Cook until broccoli is bright green – about 3 minutes.
Remove cover and let all water cook off (about 3 minutes)
Add red pepper flakes.

Toss the pasta together with sausage/veggie mixture. Add pecorino romano and mix it all together!

So good.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 4: My Views On Religion

Having been raised Catholic, I’m quite used to, and find comfort in, the rituals that happen within the mass. Unfortunately, I don’t agree with the Catholic Church about EVERYTHING! I do not agree that the Vatican nor any of the Dioceses (don’t even think that’s really a word) should have moved priests around as accusations of sexual abuse had come to light. I do not agree that a woman cannot choose what to do with her body. I do not agree that women aren’t permitted to be priests.  I also don't agree that one necessarily has to go to church to pray to whichever higher power he/she believes in.

Notwithstanding my objections to the Church, I find comfort in that the rituals help me achieve a more spiritual connection to God (my version of a higher power).

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 3 - My Views on Drugs and Alcohol

Cuique Suum -  “To Each, His Own.”

I think that in our lives we experiment with many things.  Among them, are drugs and alcohol.  I know that when I was younger, I had a HUGE problem with drugs.  When I say younger, I mean that I pretty much bottomed out when I was 16.  That was the end of the drugging for me.  Nowadays, I enjoy imbibing copious amounts of alcohol occasionally.  Such occasions usually surround celebrations and outings with friends.  On a more regular basis, my alcohol consumption consists of a glass of wine or two with dinner.

I think that either item is fine in moderation, and when done responsibly.  If either turns you into a mean/ugly person when you’ve hit that wall of being high or too drunk, then you need to quit altogether.  Either experience is supposed to be fun, so why ruin it for everyone around you.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 2 - Where I'd Like To Be In 10 Years

For myself, that's kind of a tough one.  I'm torn between wanting to be retired and finding a "second" career.  Generally, however, I hope to have 3 kids who are on their way to careers of their own, starting their own families, and happy in their lives.  I definitely DO NOT want to be the annoying, prying, domineering person that my mother was at 52. 

If I am fortunate enough to be retired, I'd like to travel.  I'd own a cabin on  The World, where you and 199 other people cruise the world year-round.  You can opt to rent out your suite, or stay in for every sailing. It's like any other cruise, really, where you would have shore excursions and visits into various ports, but rather than only being onboard for a week or two, you are on board through the year.  This is your retirement home.  No boring cribbage and bridge matches in the rec room, no CNAs walking around and making sure you've gone to the bathroom...and no golf carts to take you around the blue-haired communities of a retirement village.  On The World, you can sleep under the stars, on one of the ship's balconies, have 24-hour service, have an ship's doctor available, and a variety of activities that aren't "just" golf and bridge. 

If I decided that retirement in the lap of luxury was not for me, I would find and pursue a second career that would afford me extensive international travel.  I don't know what career that would be, yet, but I have about 3 years to figure it out, and put my plan into action.  Perhaps I shall have to create a product or invent some new-aged philosophy that would garner a cult-like following, like "Dianentics."  Maybe I'll write a novel, which would require at least a national book-signing tour.  Whatever it is, IF this is the path that I choose to follow, I'll have travel in some way, shape or form....

I suppose, that the ultimate 10-year goal, is to be happy with my life.  Not just where I am at that point and time, but happy with the way I lived it...that I lived every moment of it without regret, and that I'm at that 10-year point with my husband by my side, regardless of what decision I make....

Friday, July 8, 2011

Thank you

For following!  Al Baby, you are the first!  :D  I heart you...and thank you!!!!

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Forever one of my favorite, albeit strange, movies...The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

I honestly don't know if it was the lingerie or the music, or even the excitement of sneaking out of my bedroom window at 11 to make the midnight showing at the University Theater in Berkeley, but this is my all time favorite movie, other than Gone With the Wind.  Yes, call me a "fag hag" if you will, but there was always something about this movie that captured me.  Maybe it was me dressing as Magenta, in sky high heels,. back seamed stockings and a French maid outfit...or maybe it was seeing Tim Curry dressed in full women's sexy regalia..Maybe it was the message:  "Don't dream it....BE it..."

I just love this movie.  I've even been known to get caught doing the Time Warp when I thought I was alone....

Day 1 - Discuss your present relationship

I am happily married to the man I met on September 10, 2001.  On April 3, 2010, after being with Chris for a total of 8 years, 6 months and 27 days, we tied the knot.  Of course, this came after a two-year engagement preceded by a 6-year arm twisting. :)

Seriously - I love the man.  He understands my quirks and idiosyncrasies, loves my kids, and I know that he, without a doubt, loves me.  Over the years that we’ve been together, we have bought a home, traveled extensively, partied with (and sometimes without) each other, and essentially created a family with our brood of 5 kids.  He is truly a good man, with a good heart.  I am so blessed to have had him come into my life so many years ago.  In him, I have found someone I can trust enough to share the "softer" side of me, without fear of getting hurt.  I have found a good step-father and role model for my children (although there are probably many times that they disagree).  I have found my friend, my lover, my confidante, and more importantly, my partner.

30 Day Challenge

And so, here's the start of my time with Blogger.  I thought, that since I am JUST getting started here, and seeking some inspiration, I'd just write a little bit about myself each day, for 30 days.  Getting used to writing each day is the first here it goes!