Monday, March 12, 2012

The One About My Kids When I'm Sick

As I sit here in a Nyquil induced haze, I can't help but think about how wonderful my kids are when I'm not feeling well.  They each do their best to stay quiet...even though there are often peals of laughter because of a joke, a fart or a video game.  When it gets loud for reasons like this, I can't help but smile, no matter how poorly I feel.

Between them rotating to make meals for each other and for me, and not only cleaning up after themselves, but doing everything they could to make things easier for me this week by cleaning the kitchen entirely, vacuuming and dusting, I can't help but feel an enormous amount of gratitude for having such wonderful children.

I'm their mom, and am supposed to always make them feel loved and's not their job to do that for me...

How blessed I am to have them!!!